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Set up shop - the inevitable transformation direction of building materials distribution shop



We believe that the traditional mode of specialty stores will come to an end, and even if there is no economic crisis, we will gradually face the situation of widespread food insecurity. Traditional store model has inherent structural hard injury & mdash; & ndash; Full cost but single value. We used a simple metaphor to describe it: we bought the whole table, but we ate only one dish.

The essence of marketing is value creation. We must enter the value chain of consumers to analyze how our stores can connect with consumers' value chain. How to create greater value? Traditional specialty store model focuses on the most dominant link. & ndash; Buy, solve the risk problem of purchase link, through the brand to provide confidence and final visual effect by the supreme shop reduce the risk in the choose and buy products, giving the consumer value, contribute to consumers willing to buy. Consumers on the value chain, however, there are still many blank value has not been met, the value is not all exists in purchase link, in distribution, installation, maintenance, use, replacement, in the presence of large amounts of value, and buy links don't just only a value point, safety and efficiency, convenience, taste and so on many value point. So we have a list of values, these are the place where we can create value, the rest of the work is to use an index to screening, this metric is cost, meet the costs of value, on the basis of our hardware stores, what we choose to create the value of high value, and create the value point is low in cost, or only the current cost instead of fixed cost (using the hardware of the stores).   

The above links have different conclusions for different enterprises, but in terms of the results we have given to many customers, there is still a general model. & ndash; 4 large platform set up shop. This kind of store integrates 4 main platforms: the color matching module display platform, the whole service platform, the collection platform, the designer platform. The first three platforms are based on direct consumers (consumers) and the latter are based on purchasers.

I. dealer selection and cooperation

Currently on the market all kinds of alcohol and tobacco firms, smoke from wine shop is very much, the grade, scale, variety and operation ability is uneven, there is no lack of among them some monopoly fake cigarettes, alcohol and, therefore, our factory in tobacco shops, the choice of dealers is also very important. In general, according to the location, area size, category structure and service level of the tobacco and liquor stores, we can select the terminal dealers by classifying the types of tobacco and alcohol stores.  

Under normal circumstances, we should choose some location, location, and has a certain scale and influence of alcohol and tobacco shops to promote their products, because this kind of shops are generally belongs to a certain brand consciousness and the advantage of network of dealers. Like guangdong line of Chinese and foreign wine monopoly chain co., LTD in the local has a certain number of chains, white wine, red wine or wine, but tobacco shops tend to specialize in consciousness, management level and development ability is inferior to wine monopoly business, so the alcohol and tobacco dealers have a certain scale outlets is less, because in most cases is a shop owner. So, our target market in addition to choose a good credit, powerful distributors, more important is to put the large number of premises together, mutual cooperation, mutual promotion market.  

1, choose a certain amount of alcohol, tobacco, shops, and provide with the brand name of shop, but to do alcohol, tobacco, stores unified brand image, namely: unified decoration style, unified store logo, unified goods price, unified distribution services, unified training management, unified promotion.  

This article is published in Boer | boraid |

2. Actively encourage the dealer's gravity to promote the brand, which may allow other similar brands to be distributed, but must provide reasonable profit space and timely promotion to the dealers.  

3. Cooperate with distributors to develop the market, and the manufacturers shall establish special & ldquo; Marketing & rdquo; In the team, the normal duty is to assist the dealers in the development of target customers, display guidance, market maintenance, etc.  

4, promotional focus on stimulating aspect of the premises, because smoke wine shop, the boss of general initiative, professional is poorer, this part of the distributor to promote market alone is very difficult, manufacturers need to continuously carry out publicity and promotion and vivid display work. Make full use of the store directly to face the advantage of consumers, launch DM, X exhibition frame, publicity painting and cloth ampliate to spread propaganda offensive, and carry out some targeted sales promotion activities at the same time.  

Sanitary ware stores, with the development of the whole bathroom industry through nearly 20 years of progress, has now reached a considerable level of height, may we now store system of the wei yu are not compared with the international famous brand boutiques, but through industry continuously explore, also has obtained the good result, many of the sanitary ware brand stores do very atmosphere, conforms to its brand positioning and features, for the brand marketing, brand in the consumer form bright mark played an immeasurable role. In economically more developed areas, brand competition has gradually formed an irreversible trend, many places you're not famous brand even can't get into stores, so the brand become the focus of the manufacturers, and direct manifestation of the brand store in the nature of terminal image to be heavy.  

In the industry of wei yu, some shops are built very big, have 5000-6000 square metre, some shop is very small, also 10-20 square metre, some have only buy the exclusive sale area of the field, but they will exist in the market. For a period of time has come, sanitary ware industry a good debate about whether big shop good or store, I think: the size of a brand shop, the first is the brand product line richness, whether there are so many products; Second is the brand's positioning, high-end positioning of the brand because of the need to sell culture, selling concept, to produce premium, so often need larger stores to do some relevant concepts of performance; Big small store is also related to the strength of the local dealers, take hands to this brand as the brand, natural need better store image, stores also can give customers trust, at a roadside store sold some products, customers in the mind always have a mental disorder, muttered maybe broken down one day, when the time comes out of the quality problem of all can't, or in some big stores sell, always can't beat it in a few days? We will focus on how to build a market competitive bathroom store system.  

Now a lot of sanitary ware enterprises general stores operating mode, is to let the so-called professional brand design company or the company or industry inside and outside famous designers design a standard in advance of the VI manuals, specification of terminal stores, and then according to the operation. But to tell you the truth, really understand of the sanitary ware market brand companies in China is not much, is prone to get some mechanical template to set, not a good institute service enterprise products and brand positioning, thought sets up several display board, is actually a lot of enterprise products need special show, to achieve the effect. In terms of products: some are to be displayed on the wall, some to be displayed on the wall, others to be displayed on the corner; Some need warm color light source, some need cool color light source; Some need light source, some need ambient light source; Some need to be placed in the channel, some need to be in the sample room; Some need to be displayed, others need to be displayed; Some shop is open independent shop, some stores in the mall, some stores are all sides is a wall, some shops all around are transparent glass, do not consider these you can't do a bathroom store well. Saw VI manuals of China mobile, the thick one Big Ben, put all the details you want to think of almost all into consideration, including the use of materials used, and we get simply cannot again simple, if this is the terminal manual, I would rather not to be, because after the money, only get something confusing, it's not worth it. I haven't figured out why these brand companies have handled these details so easily, with a model that fits in with the so-called "-ldquo". National specialty stores. The so-called VI requirement! As a terminal system, under the overall unified image, of different market for decoration materials, display form should have corresponding change, but there are a few things you can't change, such as color, LOGO, slogan and so on, this well is reflected in our industry.

Why is the image of the store important?  

Up to now, red star beauty kailong to unexpectedly, b&q, such as the Oriental home hypermarket made vigorous, great to win China sanitary ware stores most share ambitions, and the only way to compete with big lots is brand stores, in view of this, we have to store as the focus of our work to grasp, and a good brand stores, can at least have the effect of the following aspects.  

1. First store is a window of brand image.  

Because of its vision, lighting, display, color and other details are specially made for a brand design, brand stores so has incomparable advantage compared with big lots, like the mass production and customization production, customized products is more suitable for the customer, of course, brand stores can incisively and vividly show the brand products, brand positioning, brand culture and brand image.  

2. The store is a terminal window for the sales of a brand, which is a direct communication with consumers.  

A product of the final purpose is to realize product to currency trading, to finally realize the value of its products, and to generate sales, customers will often go to the point of sale on the market to buy, and stores for enterprise at the point of sale in the market, is connected directly to the customer with the passage of the key products, to achieve sales, need by millions of franchised stores, and in this consumption conversion, many consumer information of consumers by store feedback back to our sanitary ware enterprises, guide enterprises to provide more suitable for consumer products, so the store is the key to an enterprise to reach the production and sales of Bridges.  

3. In the current situation of terminal media, the store terminal has become a new media

The fierce market competition has made the store terminal system a core focus of market competition. Sales communication, terminal media; , meaning that the amount of sales is not only a kind of performance, but also a brand's performance, in the Chinese market only sells more products you can truly become a brand, just can have more customers understand this brand, you so many sales product actually has become a kind of advertisement, it brings the effect of advertising communication, and terminal in addition to selling products, in fact it is a building materials market is located in a living in the big advertising, its function as a lot of media effects.  

4. The store can give consumers an instant reason to buy, and the place where the customer changes the purchase intention is in the terminal

In the actual market sales, we can often see such a situation: stores through professional design, embodies the brand value, plus some promotion material scene rendering, customers are watched TV, some brand product, the target in the mind also thinking about to sell a product, but you have to sell the product that defend bath after the scene to sell ah, wait until the scene a look, oh! There are better store image, product image, better promotion, better commitment, better service, more favorable price. Forget it. I will sell the product of this store. Thus we see that the consumers influenced by terminal atmosphere, emotion produced bias, the purchase decision has also changed, so there win terminals, terminal, terminal intercept these claims to winning. In the general situation & ldquo; Gone with the wind & throughout; TV ads in the sky like & ldquo; The air force & throughout; It's not as good as terminal store advertising. Throughout the army &; Come true, it is certainly best that you are strong. The air force & throughout; With & other; Throughout the army &; All the results are better, but are often limited to strength, or choose & ldquo; Throughout the army &; It is better. In the gulf war, the United States was so advanced that it was up to the army to finish the occupation after it was refined.  

For everything and we are in the terminal, promotion, advertising, interception, including important store display the only purpose, is to make consumers from rationality to the perceptual, so as to realize the purpose of the final to buy their products, consumers shopping, usually see her purse more tightly, start is more rational, but after your boutique stores, the use of the whole store system (such as interception, discounts, dissatisfied with the refund, proper publicity, gifts and so on terminal behavior), the majority of customers will be irrational, but as long as from rational to irrational, so customers will generate impulse purchase, although not bought your product & other; Punishment of impulse. But because of the customer's impulse, the enterprise also realizes the value of its own store system.